Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Certified Instructors

Requirements Are authorized to use the trademarked terms  Institute for Excellence in Writing ® and  IEW ®Ã‚  in advertising their  course offerings  making use of the Institute for Excellence in Writing's Structure and Styleâ„ ¢ Writing Method (grades 3–12) Have completed all the requirements for a Registered Instructor, including application, assignments, and the fee Have demonstrated experience and proficiency in leading students through the nine units of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style using stylistic techniques by completing and submitting required documentation itemized here    Benefits Are  entitled to use specially designed logos with the IEW Registered Trademark, exclusively designed for use by Certified Instructors for promoting their classes and validating their relationship with IEW Gain  promotional support, such as Certified Instructor’s contact and course offerings information posted on IEW website (optional) Receive  discounted tuition fees for teacher- and parent-training events hosted by IEW IEW website access upgraded to receive a 10% discount on all products purchased via IEW website Renewable Every two years by paying the renewal fee of $100 Submits required documentation itemized  here Shows evidence of continuing education in IEW methods (within last two years) Renew here. To apply for Certified Instructor accreditation, fill out the form using the Apply Now button above, submit the necessary documentation, and pay the $100 Certified Level fee. For questions about our Accreditation Program, please email accreditation@IEW.com or call 800.856.5815. Please note: Only IEW ® Accredited Instructors are allowed to make use of the  trademarked terms  Institute for Excellence in Writing ® and  IEW ® in advertising their classes. By restricting the use of these trademarked terms, IEW can better ensure the integrity of its method and assist parents in finding a formally trained writing teacher. IEW endorses an Accredited Instructor's  ability to teach the Structure and Styleâ„ ¢ Writing Method to  students  in grades 3 through  adults. An Instructor  may not  train  adults, parents, fellow teachers, or administrators for the purpose of their teaching the Structure and Style method of writing. The role of Master Teacher belongs solely to Mr. Andrew  Pudewa  and to several Accomplished Level instructors. Click here  for our complete policies  for IEW ® Instructors. Back to Instructor Main Page